

Submitting Creative Materials

Materials Due DateCreative is due 7 weeks prior to event date.


Title of Webinar:
 50 characters max.

Time of Webinar: Recommended times are 11am ET and 2pm ET.

Abstract: 100-150 Words. Be specific to attract relevant registrants and to reach your target audience. Include: topics covered, who should attend, benefits of attending. Bulleted lists work well.

Target Market(s): describe your intended audience.

Promotional Copy: 200 characters or less of text; basic copy for promotions.

Speaker Information: Name, title, email, headshot, and brief bios (~50-80 words) of presenter(s).

Company Logo: Colored and white version with transparent backgrounds. High resolution preferred (.eps, .psd, or .png).  

Registration Form Fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, Company/Agency Name, Job Title, Country, Zip Code (US Only).

Speaker Slides (PPT): Must be 16:9 aspect ratio, cannot contain slide transitions; embedded Excel files, SmartArt Graphics, audio, video or flash clips; Animations are allowed with audio only webinar format.

Seed Questions: 2-3 questions to seed the Q&A.

Example Registration Page.

Collaborative Webinar

Company Logo
: Colored and white version with transparent backgrounds. High resolution preferred (.eps, .psd, or .png). 

Collaborative Webinar Job Brief: Webinar topic, goals, speaker suggestions, target audience, company competitors and any additional notes. 

Registration Form Fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, Company/Agency Name, Job Title, Country, Zip Code (US Only).

Seed Questions: 2-3 questions to seed the Q&A.

Example Registration Page.

Editorial W

Sponsor Speaker Information
: Name, title, email, headshot, and brief bio (~50-80 words).

Company Logo: Colored and white version with transparent backgrounds. High resolution preferred (.eps, .psd, or .png). 

Company Competitors: These are the direct competitors of your company to ensure they are not recruited as speakers.

Speaker Slides (PPT): Must be 16:9 aspect ratio, cannot contain slide transitions; embedded Excel files, SmartArt Graphics, audio, video or flash clips; Animations are allowed with audio only webinar format.

Virtual Round Table

Company Logo: Colored and white version with transparent backgrounds. High resolution preferred (.eps, .psd, or .png).  Collaborative Webinar Job Brief: Webinar topic, goals, speaker suggestions, target audience, company competitors and any additional notes.  Registration Form Fields: First Name, Last Name, Email, Company/Agency Name, Job Title, Country, Zip Code (US Only). Seed Questions: 2-3 questions to seed the Q&A.

Lead Extension

Lead extension is a multi-touch program that delivers quality content to an engaged list of leads.  If this isn’t already a part of your campaign, feel free to reach out to your sales representative to discuss the possibility of adding this on.

Topically Relevant Asset:

Asset: in .pdf or .mp4 form

Registration Page Description: 200 words or less. Abstract for the whitepaper. Be specific to attract relevant registrants and to reach your target audience. Bulleted lists have worked well for this.