
Submitting Creative Materials

Materials Due Date: Creative is due 7 days prior to launch.

When submitting creative, please send the following items:

  • Image
  • Title
  • Byline
  • Body Text
  • URL
  • Teaser Text
  • Image or Animated Image
  • Redirect URL

What are Listings? Questex offers two listing types: Resource and Event.

Resource Listings include whitepapers, eBooks, webinars, products, surveys, executive summaries, research, etc.

Event Listings include conferences, conventions, trade shows, workshops, etc.

Listings are classified-style ads that run consecutively on the website and in the newsletter over a period of time.


Resource Listing

: 250px × 190px (.gif, .jpg – static image files only)

Title: 64 characters or less (including spaces)

Byline: This will be displayed as “Sponsored by: CLIENT NAME”
Please confirm how you would like your company name displayed. 70 characters or less (including spaces).

Body Text: 300 characters or less (including spaces)

URL: One target URL

URL Teaser Text: 200 characters or less (including spaces). Text that will be displayed in the newsletter and should be written to grab the interest of your audience to want to read more.

Website Examples:

Newsletter Examples:


Event Listing

: 250px × 190px (.gif, .jpg – static image files only)

Title: 64 characters or less (including spaces)

BylineThis will be displayed as “Presented by: CLIENT NAME” 
Please confirm how you would like your company name displayed. 70 characters or less (including spaces). Also include day/time and location information.

Body Text: 300 characters or less (including spaces)

URL: One target URL

URL Teaser Text: 200 characters or less (including spaces). Text that will be displayed in the newsletter and should be written to grab the interest of your audience to want to read more.

Website Examples:

Newsletter Examples: