Digital Interviews

Digital Interviews

Submitting Creative Materials​

Materials Due Date: Creative is due 2 weeks prior to launch.

When submitting creative, please send the following items:

  • 3-5 Interview Questions
  • Company Logo(s)
  • Interviewee Information
  • Introduction (optional)
  • Web ads (optional)

3-5 Interview Question: 3-5 questions to for the interviewee to be asked during interview, provided by client. Questions to be provided in advance of recording.

Company Logo(s): Colored and white version with transparent backgrounds for any logos that are to appear in the interview. High-quality images are preferred; if you have the original .ai, .eps or .psd of your logo(s), that is ideal.

Interviewee Information: Name, title, and company of the interviewee exactly as it should be written in promotions and interviewee availability for recording.

Introduction: Option to provide introduction for Interviewer to read introducing the topic of the interview or interviewee. If not provided, the interviewer will introduce the interviewee – name, title, and company.

Example Link


Perform a Pre-Recording Equipment Check: Before starting your recording session, it’s essential to conduct a thorough equipment check to ensure everything is in proper working order. This step helps preempt any potential audio setup issues and ensures a smooth recording experience.

Choose a Noise-Free Environment: it’s vital to select a quiet location with minimal background noise. This choice ensures that your audio maintains the highest quality and remains free from unwanted background disturbances. Please keep in mind that our session will be on VIDEO, so make sure to have an appropriate lighting and background as there is not a feature to blur or utilize a background.

Regarding web browser compatibility:

  • Make sure you are using an up-to-date version of Google Chrome.
  • Open in a regular window or tab, not in incognito mode or private mode. Please do not use mobile devices for this session.



Submitting Creative Materials

Materials Due Date: Creative is due 14 days prior to launch.

When submitting creative, please send the following items:

  • Survey Title
  • Survey Introduction
  • Survey Questions
  • Target Market
  • Logo(s) – for sponsored surveys only

Title: 75 characters or less. Let the audience know what your survey is all about.

Introduction: 100 words or less. Brief overview of why your target audience should take your survey. This will be displayed above the survey questions.

Questions: We can accommodate a maximum of 15 questions. Please indicate whether you have any qualifying questions (maximum of 2), and what the qualified response(s) is/are. Qualifying questions are subject to approval by Questex management. For each question, please also specify each question type.

Target Market(s): Who is this Survey intended for?

Logo(s): Sponsor logo(s) and any partner logo(s). These are used for branding the Survey and advertising materials. High-quality images are preferred; if you have the original .ai, .eps or .psd of your logo(s), that is ideal.

Content Channel

Content Channel

Submitting Creative Materials

Materials Due Date: Creative is due 30 days prior to the launch date.

When submitting creative, please send the following items:

  • Logo(s)
  • Web Ads
  • Assets for In-Channel Promotion (optional)
  • Social Media URL (optional)

Logo(s): White and color version with transparent background. High resolution preferred (.eps, .psd, or .png).

Web Ads: Will be used to run on content channel homepage 100% of the time and up to 25,000 impressions on stories tagged with the content channel topic.

  • Prelude
  • Medium Rectangle (Recommended: two creative versions for variety)
  • Half Page (Recommended: two creative versions for variety)

Assets for In-Channel promotion: Max 3 assets (.pdf).

  • Title
  • Short description (150 characters including spaces)

Social Media URL: Link to your social media of choosing (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.).



General Specifications

The Prelude is a full width ad experience with sight, motion, and interaction capabilities. It is designed to fit across all devices: desktop, tablet, and mobile, allowing each device to receive a fully optimized ad experience.

Demo link

There are two possible versions of the Prelude:

  1. Static Image
  2. Video with Background Image

Both versions require an image that will run the full width of the browser on desktop.  This image can be any height; the default is 1600x400px.

The Static Image version requires a version of the image sized for mobile.  This image will also be the full width of the browser, and must take up less than 30% of the screen to conform to Better Ad Standards.  The default size is 640x360px.

The Video with Background Image version requires a video, which can have any dimensions, though we recommend that it have a 16:9 aspect ratio. The video can be placed anywhere over the background image.  The background image can contain messaging and calls to action in the space not covered by the video.  The mobile version will contain the video without a background image; we recommend the 16:9 aspect ratio because it takes up about 30% of a mobile browser window.


Video with Background Image (MP4, VAST, YouTube, Video URL)

  • May be any dimensions (16:9 aspect ratio recommended, 960×540 would be a good size).
  • Maximum video length: Variable (recommended 15 to 30 Seconds).
  • Videos should be compressed on delivery to ensure maximum quality.
  • File size: Under 2MB*
  • TIP: There needs to be space to place the video over the background image without covering something important – for the default 1600×400 background image, that means leaving a blank space somewhere in the image that is 711x400px (or a little bit smaller if you want to leave a border around the video).  Video preludes don’t need a mobile image because the video will take up the whole space.

Static Image (jpg, png, gif)            

  • Desktop: May be any dimensions; default is 1600x400px
  • Mobile: Must not take up more than 30% of browser window; default is 640x360px.
  • Images should be sized for the ad, not downsized from larger image.
  • File size: Recommended under 200KB* 

* Total file size must be under 4MB


  • Max Length: 10 sec. maximum 
  • File Size: 40K 
  • Max Loops: 3
  • Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.

Medium Rectangle

Dimensions: 300px × 250px

File Formats: .gif, .jpg, 3rd party tags

Max Length: 10 sec. 

Max File Size: 40K

Max Loops: 3

Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.

*You may submit up to three different creatives for the three right hand rail spots

Half Page

Desktop dimensions: 300px × 600px

Mobile dimensions: 300px × 250px

File Formats: .gif, .jpg, 3rd party tags

Max Length: 10 sec. 

Max File Size: 40K

Max Loops: 3

Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.

*You may submit up to three different creatives for the three right hand rail spots

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Submitting Creative Materials

Materials Due DateTopic and abstract due 10 weeks prior to publish date.

When submitting creative, please send the following items:

  • Custom Content Brief
  • Company Logo(s)
  • Company Description

Custom Content Brief: This sheet will be provided by Fierce, to be filled out by the client. This includes topic, abstract, goals, target audience and any additional notes. 

Company Logo(s)Colored and white version with transparent backgrounds for any logos that are to appear on the finalized PDF. High resolution preferred (.eps, .psd, or .png). 

Company Description: 50-60 words; this will appear on the finalized PDF.

The Custom Content Brief must be delivered to Fierce in order to secure a writer and schedule the kick-off call. All relevant stakeholders should attend the call to ensure everyone is working towards the same goal and be aware of the timeline.


Lead Extension

Lead extension is a multi-touch program that delivers quality content to an engaged list of leads.  If this isn’t already a part of your campaign, feel free to reach out to your sales representative to discuss the possibility of adding this on.

Two Topically Relevant Assets:

  • Asset: in .pdf or .mp4 form
  • Registration Page Description: 200 words or less. Abstract for the whitepaper. Be specific to attract relevant registrants and to reach your target audience. Bulleted lists have worked well for this.

Custom Resource Center

Custom Resource Center

Submitting Creative Materials

Materials Due Date: Creative is due 30 days prior to the launch date.

When submitting creative, please send the following items:

  • Logo(s)
  • Target Market(s)
  • Title
  • Description
  • Topics
  • Assets
  • Form Fields

Logo(s): sponsor logo(s) and any partner logo(s). These are used for branding the registration page and advertising materials. High-quality images are preferred; if you have the original .ai, .eps or .psd of your logo(s), that is ideal.

Target Market(s): describe your intended audience for these assets. Please also provide a list of direct competitors of your company so that we can work to exclude from receiving promotions.

Title: 75 characters or less. Let the audience know what your Custom Resource Center is all about.

Description: 100 words or less. Brief overview of the assets provided. It is highly recommended to include why these assets are useful to your target audience.

Topics: 3-5 topic filters (recommended) to group assets together. I.e. content type, subject type, etc.

Custom Registration Form Fields: Standard include – First Name, Last Name, Email, Company/Agency Name, Job Title, Country, Zip Code (US Only).

Assets: Minimum of 3 assets must be submitted. Each asset submission must include a title and description (~300 characters). Specifications for assets below:

Document and Links: Provide content and/or links that you would like available for attendees here. We can link to webpages (articles, blogs, etc. that live on your website), but only if your website allows third parties to display pages through an iframe. We can upload .PDFs (eBook, whitepaper, brochure, etc.) and images/infographics (JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF). Best practice is to stick with .PDF files, as these file types will be universally recognized on all systems and browsers. Please provide a clear and concise title and description (around 300 characters) for each asset.

Video Collection: We can add links to videos which already live on Vidyard, Wistia, YouTube, Vimeo, Kaltura, Zoom, ReadyTalk, or we can accept an MP4 file and upload it to Brightcove for hosting. While these can be accepted, we highly recommend not solely providing video files as PDFs tend to have best lead conversion rates. Please provide a clear and concise title and description (around 300 characters) for each video.

Assets NOT accepted: Unfortunately, we cannot upload PowerPoints, Word files, MP3s, or ZIP files. If a file exists behind a paywall or other form on your website, please do not provide a link to that paywall or form. Instead, please provide the actual document that resides behind that gate.

Native Content

Native Content

Submitting Creative Materials

 Materials Due Date: Creative is due 7 days prior to launch.

When submitting creative, please send the following items:

  • Headline
  • Homepage/Section Front Headline
  • Newsletter Teaser Text
  • Content: Based Upon Native Type
  • Company Name
  • Company Logo
  • Company Description
  • Web Ads
  • Click through link for Web Ads

The native content type you have selected can be found on your insertion order or by checking with your Marketing Programs Specialist.


Article Headline: Recommended 100 characters or less (including spaces)

Homepage/Section Front Headline: Maximum of 64 characters or less (including spaces). Typically the same as the article headline or shortened version of it.

Newsletter Teaser Text: 150 characters or less (including spaces). This is a teaser introduction that will be used to display in the newsletter. The teaser introduction should be long enough to cover the article, but short enough to garner interest.

Article Copy: 800 words or less. This is the body of your article. Recommended 600-800 words.

Article Primary Image: This is the primary image of the article and will appear at the top of the article page. Should be good imagery and not a repeat of the sponsoring company’s logo.

  • Dimensions: 956px x 537px or larger – 16:9 Ratio
    • Must be able to crop to a 4:3 ratio for promotional use
  • File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png

Company Name: 50 characters or less (including spaces)

Company Logo:

  • Dimensions: 260px × 260px. Image set to a 1:1 ratio.
  • File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
  • Max File Size: 256 MB

Company Description: 100 words or less

Web Ads: See dimensions below


Article Headline: Recommended 100 characters or less (including spaces)

Homepage/Section Front Headline: Maximum of 64 characters or less (including spaces). Typically the same as the article headline or shortened version of it.

Newsletter Teaser Text: 150 characters or less (including spaces). This is a teaser introduction that will be used to display in the newsletter. The teaser introduction should be long enough to cover the article, but short enough to garner interest.

Content: Video and up to 600 words of content.

  • Video: We accept links from Vidyard, Wistia, Vimeo, Kaltura, Zoom, ReadyTalk, etc., or an MP4 file.
  • Article Copy: 600 words or less. This is the body of your article.

Company Name: 50 characters or less (including spaces)

Company Logo:

  • Dimensions: 260px × 260px. Image set to a 1:1 ratio.
  • File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
  • Max File Size: 256 MB

Company Description: 100 words or less

Web Ads: See dimensions below


Article Headline: Recommended 100 characters or less (including spaces)

Homepage/Section Front Headline: Maximum of 64 characters or less (including spaces). Typically the same as the article headline or shortened version of it.

Newsletter Teaser Text: 150 characters or less (including spaces). This is a teaser introduction that will be used to display in the newsletter. The teaser introduction should be long enough to cover the article, but short enough to garner interest.

Content: 3 to 8 gallery sections with each including: photo, subhead and up to 200-word description.

  • Images File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png (16:9 ratio is recommended)
  • Description: Maximum of 200 words
  • Subhead: Max of 64 characters including spaces

Primary Image: This is the primary image of the article and will appear at the top of the article page. Should be good imagery and not a repeat of the sponsoring company’s logo. This is a separate image from gallery sections.

  • Dimensions: 956px x 537px or larger – 16:9 Ratio
    • Must be able to crop to a 4:3 ratio for promotional use
  • File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png

Company Name: 50 characters or less (including spaces)

Company Logo:

  • Dimensions: 260px × 260px. Image set to a 1:1 ratio.
  • File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
  • Max File Size: 256 MB

Company Description: 100 words or less

Web Ads: See dimensions below


Article Headline: Recommended 100 characters or less (including spaces)

Homepage/Section Front Headline: Maximum of 64 characters or less (including spaces). Typically the same as the article headline or shortened version of it.

Newsletter Teaser Text: 150 characters or less (including spaces). This is a teaser introduction that will be used to display in the newsletter. The teaser introduction should be long enough to cover the article, but short enough to garner interest.

Content: 3 to 10 list items with each including: subhead, up to 200-word description and optional image.

  • Description: Maximum of 200 words
  • Subhead: Max of 64 characters including spaces
  • Images File Formats (optional): .jpg, .gif, .png (16:9 ratio is recommended)

Article Primary Image: This is the primary image of the article and will appear at the top of the article page. Should be good imagery and not a repeat of the sponsoring company’s logo.

  • Dimensions: 956px x 537px or larger – 16:9 Ratio
    • Must be able to crop to a 4:3 ratio for promotional use
  • File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png

Company Name: 50 characters or less (including spaces)

Company Logo:

  • Dimensions: 260px × 260px. Image set to a 1:1 ratio.
  • File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
  • Max File Size: 256 MB

Company Description: 100 words or less

Web Ads: See dimensions below


Super Leaderboard

: 970px × 90px

Mobile Dimensions: 320px × 50px

File Formats: .gif, .jpg, 3rd party tags

  • Max Length: 10 sec. maximum 
  • File Size: 40K 
  • Max Loops: 3
  • Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.

Medium Rectangle

: 300px × 250px

File Formats: .gif, .jpg, 3rd party tags

Max Length: 10 sec. 

Max File Size: 40K

Max Loops: 3

Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.

*You may submit up to three different creatives for the three right hand rail spots, either two medium rectangles and one half page or three medium rectangles. These will rotate in position.

Half Page


Desktop dimensions: 300px × 600px

Mobile dimensions: 300px × 250px

File Formats: .gif, .jpg, 3rd party tags

Max Length: 10 sec. 

Max File Size: 40K

Max Loops: 3

Click here for a list of approved third-party vendors.

*You may submit up to three different creatives for the three right hand rail spots, either two medium rectangles and one half page or three medium rectangles. These will rotate in position.